Section 8 Company Registration

Registering a new business made easy with mycorporation, we do everything for you!

Easy & Hassle Free Online Process

Dedicated Expert & Account Manager

Advisory Session From Experts

Incorporation / Registration Cost

Full Name *
Mobile No. *
Capital *
Select State *
Directors *
Select DSC *

Package Includes:

  • 2 DSC (Digital Signature Certificates)
  • 2DIN (Director identification number)
  • MOA/AOA (Memorandum of Association/Articles of association)
  • COI (Certificate of Incorporation)
  • PAN (Permanent Account Number)
  • TAN (Collection Account Number)

Why Choose Section 8 Company Registration?


Due to their non-profit status, Section 8 companies are free from various income tax regulations. They take advantage of the advantages provided by Income Tax Act of 1961 Section 80 G. In comparison to other organizations, they are also required to pay less in stamp duty.


Revenue received by this organization may only be applied to the things listed above.

Documents Required For Section 8 Company Registration


  • PAN (Permanent Account Number) of all proposed directors.
  • Identity proof (Voter Id, Passport, Driving License, Aadhar Card) of all proposed Directors.
  • Latest passport size Photographs of all directors.
  • Address proof with Present address Mobile bill OR Telephone bill OR Electricity bill OR Bank Statement or Bank Passbook with latest Transaction page
  • Email id and Mobile of all the Directors.


  • PAN (Permanent Account Number) of all proposed Share Holders
  • Address Proof (Voter Id, Passport, Driving License, Aadhar Card) of all proposed ShareHolders
  • Latest passport size Photographs of all Share Holders.
  • Address proof with Present address Mobile bill OR Telephone bill OR Electricity bill OR Bank Statement or Bank Passbook with latest Transaction page
  • Email id and Mobile of all the Shareholders
FOR REGISTERED ADDRESS Electricity Bill OR Mobile Bill OR Gas Bill along with NOC and Rent agreement if premises is on rent

Process Involved

A growing number of people decide to register private limited firms for a variety of reasons. A private limited business has the following benefits: A Private Limited Company is a recognized legal body. The owner's finances are not connected to the company's finances. Limited business owners are shielded from personal liability.


Incorporation Documents are prepared and sent for Signatures.


Once ID proofs and signed documents are received, Digital Signature is applied for Directors


Application for Name Approval is Filed in form INC­1


Spice form to be filed online after the MOA and AOA are drafted


Incorporation Approval


Form INC­7 along with INC­22 and DIR­12 to be filed online after the MOA and AOA are drafted and PAN and TAN is applied after Incorporation

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